Student Success Across Texas

Communities In Schools of Greater Central Texas, Inc.

Joshua was a senior at Killeen High School during the 2016-2017 school year. He was referred to CIS because he was living on his own and needed assistance with basic needs. The reason Joshua was living on his own was because Joshua’s dad is retired from the military and decided to relocate to another state. Joshua did not want to move because he was completing his firefighter’s certification through the KISD Career Center and once completed he would be able to become a firefighter. Since he was 18 years old, his dad agreed to allow him to remain in Killeen and live with a friend…

(Continue reading in the Full Impact Report below)
Leaders In Student Mental Health & Wellness

For over 40 years, Communities In Schools affiliates across Texas have answered the call of principals and school district administrators to provide integrated student supports that ensure student social and emotional well-being on campuses. CIS’ evidence-based programming is by far the most proven and accessible on-campus resource available for struggling students. CIS responds to this need by placing skilled professionals providing social work and mental health services on campuses making face-to-face connections with students in need of support. CIS staff are more involved than ever before in keeping schools and students safe by implementing crisis response, campus-wide prevention initiatives, trauma-informed supports and individual, family and group counseling.